Every time you pass the starting line, you earn money. When three identical cars merge, you can click a button to create a higher-level car. This high-level car enables you to be faster and earn more money each time you cross the finish line. You can also increase your income by adding spectators. As cars cross the finish line, the spectators help you earn even more money.Shape your strategy with merge, car addition, and spectator addition buttons. Each time you click a button, the cost increases, so learn to manage your resources wisely by making smart choices. To progress past a certain level, youll need to accumulate a specific amount of money. A progress bar will indicate how much youve earned.Racing Clicker Idle invites you to dive into the world of racing and experience the thrill of competition. Merge your own fast cars, increase your income, and strive to become the wealthiest racer. Are you ready? Speed enthusiasts, download this immersive idle game now and savor the taste of victory on the track!Key Features:Merge cars with a unique merging mechanic to create higher-level vehicles.Race with fast cars and earn money by crossing the finish line.Increase your income by adding spectators.Manage your resources by making strategic decisions.Visually stunning racing tracks and cars.Discover upgrades to boost your speed and wealth.